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Thursday, April 21, 2011
Week 23 Photo Update!
This morning I'm sitting at my desk at work, and just laughing because I swear that 'little man' is trying to impersonate the Easter Bunny. He's hopping around all over the place!! I enjoy feeling him move inside me so much!! At this point it's just soft little flutters, and not the painful jabs that my fellow preggos and fellow mommies have told me will come when he gets bigger and stronger ;) I'm so happy that Tony finally felt him move too. We were just staring at each other while he waited patiently, hand on belly, to feel any movement. When little man kicked and we both looked at each other knowing we both felt it at the same time, it was a GREAT moment, and one that I'll never forget!
I signed us up today for a childbirth prep class that will cover basic baby care, baby behaviors, newborn feeding, labor and birth, basic comfort techniques, postpartum care for the new family, and a tour of the Labor and Delivery suites. It's a 6 week course that we'll attend once a week from 6:30-9pm. I'm excited!
Hope all is well with our family and friends. We are all doing great in the Rossman household :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Kickin' it
Sonia's been feeling the "flutters" from our son's movement for a few weeks now and I've tried to catch the movements a couple times but was unsuccessful. According to the midwives, my son doesn't hate me if I don’t feel him kick once I place my hand on Sonia's belly. Apparently, some fathers get all emo about not feeling their baby kick and think the baby doesn't like them. So the midwife thought I should know that I have a calming influence over my son which is why he may stop moving once I place my hand on the belly. I was surprised to hear grown men get all sad if their baby doesn't kung fu their hand all the time when they place it on their girls' bellies (sheesh, some men are just sissies these days). The calming influence makes sense; so does the timing. The baby's strength doesn't get strong enough to really feel the kicks until the 24th week, up until the 26th week. We're coming up on week 23 on Thursday. So, I was able to feel a few movements slightly - mainly because Sonia confirmed that yes the baby did move whenever I thought I felt something. The movements felt like air bubbles popping inside the belly - like when the stomach grumbles it kinda vibrates or when a person holds a burp in and the air, the gas pops inside the throat. I dunno, I guess it's hard to describe unless you've felt it before.
Nonetheless, it was cool to feel my son's movement, even if it was a faint sensation on my hand. Hopefully in the coming weeks when he gets stronger, I'll be able to feel some stronger kicks and punches!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Picture Update! Weeks19, 20 and 21!
Week 20 was taken on the morning of 03.31.11...the day we got to find out that we were having a little boy! As promised, bump pictures will always be posted HERE FIRST!
WEEK 19 - 03.26.11:
WEEK 20 - 03.31.11:
WEEK 21 - 04.08.11 (LILLI'S 4th BIRTHDAY!!)
I have just started to POP like crazy this past week, so I plan on taking another picture of just the skin this weekend and posting as well! He's also been moving around like crazy, I LOVE IT!! KEEP POSTED!!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
"Project: Room Resurrection"
The work day is dragging. My lower back hates this office chair and it's hurting (I need to find my lumbar support chair attachment). I'm wearing uncomfortable fancy pants. I'm bored. This is a recipe for a blog post to kill some time. Lucky you. ;)
This post is inspired by a reader, Kiara. I recently asked to hear what you readers wanted to see us discuss. Kiara asked about what I'm excited about next in this baby making process. Well, now that Sonia and I know the baby is a boy we can begin working on the baby's room. We are pretty excited to pick a theme, go shopping, and start decorating.
First task is to clear out the room. The room is a spare bedroom that has turned into a "dump miscellaneous stuff in this room" room. So there is a ton of random stuff in there. Lots of wedding stuff, books, magazines, stuffed animals, CDs, photos & frames, our old bed, an elliptical, RockBand drums and guitars all clutter this room. Before the junk room it was Milo's, our cat's, room. Therefore the room still has a slight stale odor of cat. Once we de-clutter the room, it will be disinfected from top to bottom. The room has hardwood floors which may require some work. Although we plan on using an area rug in the room, like a 5x5.
Next we will be selecting some paint colors and picking a design. We don’t want to have just plain white/colored walls. We will have patterned paint and/or vinyl cut outs of stuff like animals or something. We've found some cool themes like safari with vinyl trees with monkeys on them, elephants, giraffes, zebras, etc. It looked really cool. There is also the sea turtle theme. Sonia loves sea turtles and we've been collecting a lot of turtle things for the baby. Another theme idea is something with sports. We are still looking for themes and should be picking one soon.
Once we have a theme, we can paint and stick the vinyls, with the clean floor and empty room, we'll be able to fill it with furniture. Which means shopping! So we'll need to pick a crib, a rocker/glider chair, a dresser, changing table, or dresser and changing table combo, an area rug, maybe a lamp, and maybe a bassinet. There is also a "california closet" is the room. Its one of those creative space closets. We'll be setting the closet up too with all the baby's clothes. We will also be removing the venetian blinds and doing some different window coverings.
I just have this awesome vision in my head of what the finished product will look like. I wish I could post this mind-photo on here for you all to see too. =P
We are starting "Project: Room Resurrection" this weekend. It's gonna be a lot of work but totally worth it. If you have any suggestions, tips, or tricks, please let us know - we appreciate the help. This room is going to go from forgotten part of the house to heavenly sanctuary!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Any topic requests?
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sonia and I went Babies R Us yesterday to browse a bit for boy clothes and other baby essentials. We found a couple onesies we had to have. Like this awesomazing one (Mack on baby's shirt haha):
We saw a lot of cool stuff with cool themes. Sonia and I now have the task of picking out a theme/colors for the baby's room. And of course, picking a name! We've browsed some names here and there (before we knew baby was a boy) but nothing has stood out to us to say THIS IS THE ONE!! We'll have to start browsing more seriously now. We're really excited to start the second half of this journey!!
"Do you want to know the sex of the baby?"
"Yes!" Yes we do.
Finally, the moment had arrived, the sonographer asked us the question we had waited to hear so we could have an answer. We had waited all day, all week, all month, the entire pregnancy to know if our first child would be a boy or a girl. After all our ideas, brain storming, and planning for a few months, we would finally know which direction we could go, blue or pink. Our parents would now know if they would have a grandson or a granddaughter. We all had our preferences for the gender - of course passed the hopes for just a happy and healthy baby.
In the beginning of the pregnancy, I had a plan, a hope, to have a boy first to be the older brother to his younger sister. Two kids, three tops (if the first two happen to be boys, we would try one more time for a girl). I'm not sure how the amount of boys vs girls in my family affects me and my "swimmers" (since I dictate the sex of the baby) but there are a lot of boys in my family. So many so that there is a small fear that maybe my swimmers wont cooperate and give Sonia and I a daughter. This small fear began to sway me towards wanting a girl now to extinguish this fright. Sonia has always wanted to name her daughter Emma (after her late grandmother) and I was hoping my swimmers would make this dream a reality for her, for us. Therefore my preference was becoming more balanced between boy or girl. Then throughout the pregnancy, I would sway back and forth, time to time, to absolutely wanting a boy then to absolutely wanting a girl.
This brings us to the day we find out, last Thursday. Sonia and I had our parents join us at the doctor's office. We were allowed to have two other people in the ultrasound room with us, so we chose our mothers. However, once we got there and went back to the room they allowed our dads to come into the room too. So we got to experience this together!
Rewind a bit…earlier in the day at work I had a conversation with a coworker. She was telling me how her daughter-in-law and son had a baby and really wanted a daughter. Their family was boy heavy too and many of them wanted a girl. They had had two boys already and found out the gender ahead of time. For this last pregnancy, they did not find out until the baby was born. They had a girl! Then the part of the story that really hit me was how the DIL wanted to name the daughter after her grandmother. They were very close and she wanted to honor her grandma. This story was much like Sonia and I's and it was then that I decided that I wanted a girl. My mom (and dad too, I think) and Sonia would be so ecstatic to hear the words, "it's a girl" and their happiness would have made me happy.
Back to the ultrasound room…as I stand there watching the sonogram, holding Sonia's hand, we all anxiously await the answer to the gender mystery. Baby had great looking organs, bones, all was good (the doctor later even used the word "perfect" heh). Then the question came…shortly followed by the answer. My heart began to race and the sonographer tells us baby is a BOY! Somehow amongst the shadows of bright whites, blacks, dark grays, and light grays on the screen, she found the baby's penis and scrotum. I'll take her word for it because I didn’t/don’t see it.
Amongst the happiness and excitement I could sense a slight disappointment in the air. Which I think is normal and probably would have happened if baby was a girl. It's kind of like that feeling of once you decide your choice between two or more things and you get one, your feelings betray you a bit to make you feel like maybe you'd rather have the other option instead. It's like a mind-trick. Know what I mean? Anywho…I could sense that small fear of "oh boy (pun intended), the first child is a boy...will Tony's swimmers produce a girl????" I am confident I have some female swimmers and they will do their job next time around. ;-) Of course, this slight disappointment has subsided and we are all excited to welcome the baby boy into the family! And hey, my original plan started off right…Emma will have a big brother!